Thursday, May 24, 2012

That damned snake!!!

Two weekends ago I went out to weed my flower bed.  It was time.  It's Mother's Day.  I, as a general rule, NEVER plant or weed before then.  Your beds will always freeze or blow to bits (on the Palouse anyhow).

I had my rake, my shovel, my watering can.  ready. to. go.

... and then I was violated.  A SNAKE attacked me on the sidewalk, and then jumped (as snakes often do) into my flower bed.  I screamed, danced around, threw my rake, yelled at Shiloh, and make lots of other gagging noises.

Shiloh came over and asked what I would like him to do.  I asked that he throw him in the road - so that I may run him over with my car.  Shiloh looked at the snake, looked at me, and said - maybe you should weed a different day.  I gagged, danced around, and said "how do I know that he will not take up permanent residence?"  Shiloh said, "don't worry, his bites won't hurt that bad and he isn't venomous."  Gee, thanks!!

So, what did I do??  Took my rake smashed the lavender bush repeatedly, and yelled "OUT DAMN SNAKE!!!!"  Shiloh came back over and asked me nicely to move to another flower bed, and stop making a scene. (note to reader... I was asked no less than three times to please, stop making a scene in the front yard).

I went inside.   I considered paying someone to weed the damn flower bed.  Then I got a little brave. 

I found the water hose, and set to work.  If the snake wouldn't come out by brute force - I will drown him.  The next 15 minutes were spent 'watering' the flower bed.  No signs of the snake.  Then I found a big stick in the yard, and spent the next 5 minutes poking the bush with my stick.  No signs of the snake.  Then I took my rake and raked, and raked, and raked, and raked the bush.  No signs of the snake. 

I started on the faaaaaaaaar end of the flower bed, and began to weed.  I mostly finished.  I never did see the snake again.  So, either he had decided it was time to move along OR he thought "this lady has lost her biscuits and I'll move when pigs fly." 

Here's to winning small battles.

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