Monday, May 7, 2012

Giants of the Forrest, A Beautiful Friendship, and Flesh Wounds...

If running the "Avenue of the Giants" isn't on your bucket list - it should be.   

Last Friday, Ms. Chrissy and I set out for a road trip to the Redwood Forest to participate.  This was not just a race, but a destination adventure. 

We had snacks (sour patch kids, swedish fish, tootsie pops), we had an awesome playlist, and we had lots and lots of fun.  She was able to experience my crazy first hand (there may have been an incident with a cat), and she didn't opt to find an alternate route home.  God Bless her!

We were able to take in the awesomeness of the forest, the unpredictability of the road, and the hilarity of the Dean Creek Inn (only hilarious because we survived: spiders in my bed, bugs on Chrissy's face).

We prepped, we ate, and we arrived for our 8:45 am start time.  I feel like we were perfectly prepared.

... for what happened next, I can only tell you that I believe it to be karma.  A little less that a week ago, I was making fun of dudes with chaffing issues.  I would like to apologize to them in excess.  I had no idea.  

The gun went off, we were out and running, and the first half was perfect!!  Amazing course, amazing scenery... perfect.  I hit the turn around point at 57:03 - well on my way to making my goal.  At mile 8 - everything fell apart.  Somehow (and it isn't like I haven't worn these shorts before) the legs of my shorts had worn through three layers of skin on the inner/upper part of each thigh.  I'm not talking about just a raspberry of sorts; I am talking bleeding, oozing, flesh wound.  Every step I took was torture.  Pain seared through my legs, and left me short of breath at times.  I kept going, and I crossed that finish line - but not under 2.  I crossed in 2:01:22. 

At first I was a little pissed, pouty, grumpy... my pride bruised.  BUT after much reflection, a day in my sweat pants, lots of neosporin, and a handful of Advil - I am incredibly proud. (of myself and of Chrissy).  We both completed something in a way we didn't know we could.  Chrissy was 15 minutes faster than she thought she was going to be, and I was able to prove to myself that I am one tough cookie.  I can overcome obstacles, I can work through problems, I can believe in myself, I can fight though it all, and I am - above all - a runner. A runner that will keep wanting, and working, and striving, and training, and loving, and laughing through it all.  I am so up for this race again next year!! 

Here's to obstacles overcome and friends who believe,



  1. Such an accurate reflection of the trip - however you failed to mention the skii jump in the middle of the Redwood Forest:)

  2. OUCH!!! To run through that pain is amazing. Way to go tough girl! Spiders? Yuck! How did you sleep?
