Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I think it is always like this....

Yup.  They are here.  Those pesky nerves. 

I have a race on Sunday (with Ms. Chrissy), and I am starting to get the jitters.  Please don't tell me it will be fine, or that it's all in good fun, or that it doesn't matter.  It does matter, and I am very serious about this.

It is hard to explain - these running goals of mine.  I can't make you understand my perspective, or what they mean to me.  It is all very personal - you run (or not) for your reasons.  I run for mine.  There is no wrong or right answer - for you it's fun, for me it's an exam. 

You know the kind - the runners that are out in the snow, hail, rain, wind.  It's a cult.  We can't explain ourselves.  We just know that it is a very essential part of who we are.  Also, we have these imaginary badges we award ourselves after a particularly horrible run.  I have a sash full.

However, I am having the "what if" moments, and I don't think they will go away until I am actually running.  I get butterflies just thinking about it all.  I've packed, unpacked, and repacked... and it is only Wednesday.  I have been the *most* efficient employee this week, as I have all this crazy energy and nothing to do with it.  Proposals have been written, phone calls returned, inboxes cleared out.... etc.

This isn't a full - it's a half, and it should be the most beautiful half I have ever run.  You see, it will be through the Redwood Forest, and it will be scenically overwhelming. 

I am so very excited, so very nervous, so very pukey, so very peemypantscannotwaittogetontheroad!!

But this is what I love; I love the adventure, the uncertainty, the geekiness, the thrill, the fear, and the challenge. 

I know that I have trained properly - almost ate right... almost.  I know I've got this... now, to get it under 2??  Easier said that done.

May your day be filled with moments that stir your soul.


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