Friday, May 11, 2012

...because this stuff always happens to me.

Let's get it out there.  I blame this on Chrissy Shelton, and you'll see why very shortly.

I needed to get the inside of my new car (yes, you read that right) cleaned; after the 100K it looked like I had given it a dirt bath.  Lynne informed me there was this awesome express detailing place in Lewiston, and when I happened to find myself there - I jumped at the chance to have someone else clean it all up.

It should be noted that my iPod is synced (sunk??) with my car.  I am not entirely sure how it all works.  I'm still figuring it all out.  I pushed what I thought was the off button, turns out it wasn't.  However, because I pushed the "off" button I didn't think to look and see what was coming up on my playlist.

Fast forward, Mr. Car Wash dude brings me my keys and says, "she's all ready."  Smirking.  I thought he was smirking because it was raining, and my hair was a mess.  Turns out it is because he was being serenaded by Lil Kim and the filthiest song I could possibly have on my iPod.

Now, before we start judging - I am always looking for good running songs.  I really don't care about the lyrics; I just want a good beat.  Ms. Shelton suggested I give "How Many Licks" a try.  She was right - excellent running song.  As far as lyrical talent goes - well, Lil Kim certainly has a way with words.

I was basically mortified, and am not entirely sure that I can go back there.  Although, I bet that wasn't what he was expecting to get to listen to - so there's always the amusing element of surprise.

Here's to the unexpected.  Keep them guessing my friends.


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