Monday, March 11, 2013

If one more non-runner talks to me about my knees...

I will have a full on crazy person meltdown. 

Let me get ranty - and then we'll talk facts.  I have NEVER had a runner say to me, "you should be careful - you know running is really hard on your knees."  In fact, I have only met ONE person whose knee problem was ACTUALLY caused by running (yes, I'm using shouty caps).  This person, OPENLY admits to over training, and ignoring the baby warning signs to rest.  EVERY other person I have met with knee issues has either: been overweight, injured their knees in another sport before starting to run, has been sedentary, had a job where they were on their feet all day long, and usually has never run.

HERE is why it makes me angry - do NOT attempt to tell me that by running - I am putting added stress on my body.  I do not WARN you about the added pounds you carry around, or the crap food you choose to eat, or all the alcohol you choose to drink, or the lack of sleep you choose to get.  ALL of those things - are far more detrimental to YOUR health, than running will ever be to mine.  SO SHUT YOUR FACE. 

*big deep breaths*

Now, opinions are opinions so let's ask SCIENCE.

An article in Time shows … after tracking 1,000 people, runners and non-runners, for over twenty years, they found that the runners’ knees were no more or less healthy than the nonrunners’ knees. Instead … the findings lend support to the theory that osteoarthritis … is caused mainly by genes and risk factors like obesity (obese men and women are at least four times as likely to become arthritic as their thinner peers)  In addition,  they found that runners were less likely to be physically disabled and had a 39% lower mortality rate than those who didn’t run. The lower mortality rate is most likely because of the reduced stress, increased mental alertness, and/or overall health benefits you get from running.

An article in Runner’s World says that not only doesn’t exercise hurt knees, but it can make them healthier … When you exercise, the cartilage in your hips, knees, and ankles compresses and expands.  This draws in oxygen and flushes out waste products, nourishing and keeping the cartilage healthy. “Without exercise, cartilage cells get weak and sick,” he says.

That said, I can tell you this - I am going to go ahead and keep running.  I am going to go ahead and keep eating right, and cross training.  I am going to keep encouraging others to get active, and run, and make better choices.  I am going to high five runners that cross off races on their bucket list, and who find peace on the road, and who all of sudden find that they can sleep better and just feel better in general.

... and you, you go ahead and sit on your couch, and eat your bon bons, and warn me about injuring my knees. 

I'll just smile and wave, (until the day I completely go bat shit ham sandwich crazy on you - of which - you've been warned, and I am already not even sorry.)


  1. I love you. Take a deep cleansing breath. Then if you still want to hit people, go for it.

  2. WELL SAID!!! If you haven't read BORN TO RUN you should; though some see it as an Ultra-marathon book, or a barefoot running book. I see it as a plain old "we-are-evolutionaryily (if that's a word)preordained-to-be-runners" book - keep an open mind about the types of running discussed and you will find it informative and very well researched. KEEP RUNNING!!!

    1. Thank you!! I have read, "Born to Run" - suuuuch a great book!

  3. Freakin' awesome post! I've only been running since last May and yes my knees hurt so bad when I first started. I attributed it to them not being used to any kind of activity. Lo and behold, I'd say about 4 months later, my knees felt stronger and didn't hurt to run!

    Trying to get a couple of girls from work to try running. All I hear is "It hurts my knees" excuse. I'm tired of it as well. So they can keep on complaining and admiring my 8 mile runs and still do nothing about their issues.

    Thanks for posting a good rant! lol

    1. Thank you!! Happy running to you!

    2. That just made me think how people always use that excuse with me. I can't run because this hurts or that hurts. Yes, everything and anything WILL when you first start. Your body is not used to moving like that.
      Sigh, I wish I could get them to understand, lol.

  4. I will say as I get older everything hurts. But I wear each pain as a badge of honor. Proof that I'm not sitting on my couch anymore. My injuries are caused by my 40 year old self deciding now would be a good time to start moving! And yes I remember saying it never hurt when I was on the couch, nice justification! Keep on running!

  5. Thank you! I have felt this way for sooooooooooo long and you just said it out loud. Amen sister.

    Karen @

    1. I've been wanting to write this for so long. I just had a bit of a meltdown, and out it all came! Thank you!

  6. Thank you for your rant. Get so frustrated hearing the same thing. I run because I love it and as long as I am still physically able to do so I will. You have said it beautifully.

  7. My knees (let's be honest, my everything) hurt ached and felt stiff when I sat around all the time. At least now I know why I feel some soreness at times (instead of constantly) and know that it is temporary and for a good cause. Like xraygirlie, it only took about 3-4 months of running before I discovered that my knees hurt LESS than they used to and only after I run 8+ miles. Fortunately for me, I don't get too many "running is bad for you" comments from the people in my life.

    1. Happy running to you, Kate!! ... and I totally agree with you.

  8. This was hilarious. I am now telling my husband, "watch out I may go bat shit ham sandwich crazy on you" We both ran our first full marathon in Dec 2012. We both finished. Complete strangers have congratulated us while my family has said, "that's bad for your knees and you shouldn't do another one." I haven't told them that I'm already signed up to run it again.

  9. OMG I'm so glad I'm not the only one that hears this crap all the time! It drives me nuts! I usually end up (as calmly as possible) saying, "No, I was doing damage to my knees when I was 107 pounds heavier, BEFORE I started running."

  10. Thank you. "Bat shit ham sandwich crazy" brilliant!

  11. Seriously awesome post! And I literally laughed out loud reading, "bat shit ham sandwich crazy." Nice!
