Wednesday, December 19, 2012

... and then magic happened.

I am a sucker for a flash mob.  I love them!!  They are my favorite.

Yesterday, a video was brought to my attention - it is now my favorite flash mob of all time.  Here let me share:

Now, this isn't my favorite because of the clever dance moves, or the great choice of music.  But it is my favorite because of the man who just believes that sometimes the world gives you dance parties.

That is me. 

You are walking along, thinking "today's a great day, but you know what would make it more awesome? A DANCE PARTY."  Then, BAM!  The world breaks into a dance, and you can no longer contain yourself.  You MUST participate.

My favorite part is when he takes off skipping through the middle of the group.  To me, he's saying, "here I go - this is my big moment" - and it's brilliant.

My wish for you is, that your life suddenly turns into a dance party, and you get your ass off the wall and DANCE!

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