Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions, Part Deux.

Let's recap.  Yesterday, we learned I will not give a shit.  Today, my addition:  in the New Year I resolve to eat and use all the "good stuff."

This could very well be an Andrea thing, but I like to save the good stuff.  Whether it be cookies, chips, sparkling water, berries, yummy coffee - I hoard it.  Perhaps, I was homeless in my past life.  The problem with this type of behavior is "the good stuff" typically either goes bad, or gets eaten by someone other than me.  And that, that, pisses. me. off.

So, I will now go for the good stuff first.  I won't care if I've already eaten 3 out of 6 cookies... if you haven't the wherewithall to eat them before I do - well then, here, let me shed a few tears for you while I shovel the last three cookies into my face at break neck speed. (was that too harsh... maybe, just a little??)

I will not wait for a special occasion to wear my favorite shoes, jeans, or sweaters.  I'll wear them as often as I want, and if someone asks me, "what's the occasion?"  I will reply, "I am celebrating all that is awesome."  Who's with me??
Here's to the good stuff!!


1 comment:

  1. I think this is my favorite resolution ever :) Liz
