Monday, January 2, 2012

In the New Year, I resove...

I don't really like traditional resolutions.  Usually, they are superficial and meant to be broken.  "I will work out more." - noooo, you won't.  "I will lose weight, this is my year." - probably not.  "I will keep in touch with long lost friends." - maybe for a day or two.  I hate these kinds of resolutions.  Mainly, because they clog up the gym and the track - and cause Safeway to run out of my favorite yogurt until February (that's when people give up - Valentine's candy - HELLO!!)

I've decided to dedicate a few blogs to my "resolutions."  So, numero uno.

I resolve to stop being nice to jackasses.  If you think it is perfectly acceptable to ignore me, be rude, talk down to, glare at, or insult me - well, you have just gained yourself, not an enemy per se, but a non-participant.  It really isn't fun to exhibit these types of third grade behaviors to people who just don't give a shit.  So, guess who will not be shit giving?

Here's the deal - I am too old, smart, funny, *insert your favorite adjective here* to worry about what I have done to hurt or offend you; if I have actually done anything at all.  If you can't take the good with the bad (but mostly good) - it is officially not my problem.  I will not feel guilty for not caring.  I will not continue to be nice to you.  I will not continue to try and try and try to be your friend.  WILL NOT!

So go be weird and childish somewhere else.  'Cause this honey badger DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!

May your day be filled with things that make you happy.


1 comment:

  1. Just discovered you...Colleen Martin suggested I read your blog...well shit..if you aren't the funniest most down to earth young're gonna be a daily treat for me !! You're a lot more 'exciting' than you think !Cant identify with the cooking thingbe tho..I only have a kitchen because it came with my house...but I LOVE..LOVE...LOVE cats!
