Friday, January 6, 2012

The Last Resolution: Through the Looking Glass.

... please take the time to appreciate that "Alice in Wonderland" reference.  I am very proud of that.

Okay, on to the final goal-shift-attempt at change.  In the New Year I resolve to - see myself as others see me.  (Warning, I am about to get all serious on you).  Ladies, I am thinking this is a band wagon you might want to jump on.

I will be the first to admit that when you give me a compliment I think you are a big. fat. liar. 

"Andrea, you are so pretty..." - Alright, what do you want?
"Andrea, how did you ever get so funny..." How much does it cost?
"Andrea, you have great hair..." Okay, so I won't argue this one *wink*
"Andrea, you are an inspiration..." Here's my credit card.  Have yourself a ball.

But what if, just what if, all of these things are actually true.  What if we are more than we ever thought possible.  What if we could look past our flaws (freckles, weird nose, crazy eyebrows, awkward always - thanks) and embrace our inner fabulousness.  What if we stop apologizing for what we think we are, and start living up to what you know us to be?  *Are you singing Ain't No Stopping Us Now - cause I totally am*

So, let's stop what your doing.  Take a big deep breath. Believe in ourselves. Realize our potential. AND BOOGIE!!!! (speedo alert - you've been warned).

Too much confidence too soon?  Ah well - here's to us; each and every one.

May your day be filled with the confidence of a rock star.



  1. Thanks, totally needed that today :)

  2. I totally agree, I think we are so self deprecating that we have no idea how to just take a compliment. I have been trying that very thing, to just accept compliments and not question them for some hidden agenda. Not easy, but all women should claim that resolution. :)

  3. When receiving a compliment, a simple "Thank you" in return is always enough. Just enjoy the fact that they bothered.
