Monday, January 9, 2012

Ah Ha!! This is why you HATE running.

Three weeks off.  Just three.  Granted those three weeks (after I ran a freaking marathon) were filled with gluttony, that baby Jesus himself could be proud of, but really I didn't think it would be a very big deal.

I was wrong.  Oh.  So.  Wrong. 

Day One - 20 mins.  Lace up my shoes, turn up my tunes, and I'm off.  Whoa, who shrunk my running clothes??  Did someone come in my house and exchange all my shorts?? Certainly they weren't this tight before.  Did these shorts come with butt pads?!?  Whatever, keep going.  Why are my legs so heavy??  Are the bottom of these shoes filled with lead??  Must.  Slow.  Down.  Damn this got hard, how much time do I have left... whew only 18:00.  Ugh.  SHUT UP EMINEM!!!  I WILL NOT "lose" myself, I don't care if this is my chance, don't care.  Why are you so angry anyhow.  I need to sit down.  Where are the water stations??  I NEED ASSITANCE PEOPLE!!  Thankfully, I made it home, and promptly went to find my marathon medal, put it around my neck, and congratulate myself for a job well done.  (Ugh, why is this medal so heavy).

Day Two - 30 mins.  A.  Who stabbed me in the foot, and B.  Why isn't there blood in my sock.  Surely I have a flesh wound.  Running doesn't hurt this much right???  Was I really calling 10 mile runs "baby runs", can someone please slap me next time I do that.  Wasn't I all nifty and junk.  WHERE ARE YOU GOING SO FAST OLD LADY!!!!  Did I smoke a pack of cigarettes last night?  Do people actually do this for fun?  I hate those people.

Day Three - 20 mins. 15x100.  I'm dying.  Asked Shiloh to please play "My Way" at my funeral.  I'm going towards the light, certainly they have nice fluffy clouds in Heaven, and someone will rub my feet.

Day Four - Rest Day, Rest Day, Lalalalala.  Oh couch, where have you been.  I missed you sooooo much.

Day Five - Oh, gotta rest one. more. day.  effing foot (who cares if it may be broken - COUCH TIME!!!)

Day Six - 30 mins.  Fine.  Finefinefinefine.  Fine.  Huh, that wasn't so bad. 

Day Seven - 40 mins.  Ohhhhh,  right,  I do like this.  There's that groove!!!

See folks... even people who are nutty bonkers about running have moments where they would rather clean the toilet, and reorganize the junk drawers rather than get out and run.  It's the sticking with it part of it that counts.  It may take longer than a week for some of you decide you love running, but maybe with some time you two can be friends. 

Here's to a week of longer runs and new adventures.  Tally Ho!!


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