Thursday, December 22, 2011

The importance of a good sidekick.

I am usually the sidekick.  It is a position that I relish.  I don't have to cause ALL the trouble.  I can cause *just enough.*  Plus, I am great in the supporting role.

A good sidekick is so hard to find.  You need to find someone that is fun, smart, willing to take a back seat to your crazy antics, and also loyal - you need someone fiercely loyal.  This may be the most important quality, (that and they cannot, under any circumstances, upstage you).

A sidekick is someone you can go to when you have the best idea EVER, and they will put on their magical underpants and make it happen.  All the while, reminding you that it, indeed, is an awesome idea.

And, so today folks, I bring you perhaps one of the best sidekicks I have seen, recently.  Her name is Vicy, and I love her.  She is the ying to Tommy's yang, and by being the best sidekick she could possibly be - she, in my eyes, steals the show. 

(Disclaimer - I first met Tommy when he was ranting about the Norweigan butter crisis.  Then I had to check out "his famous celebrity".  English is obviously not their first language - and they are as good with lyrics as I am)

May you find your sidekick and live happily ever after,


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