Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goldilocks was NOT a Runner.

We have got to get this out in the open, it is really chappin' my hide.

Let's be clear, I totally understand that we all run for different reasons: health, fun, competition, meditation, alone time, or all of the above.  However, if you are serious about this - and want to continue on the running path uninjured, you need to run smart and you need to be consistent.

I cringe when I hear people say I really wish I could go running but it's too cold, too hot, too rainy, too windy, or my most "want to box your ears" excuse... I'm too busy.  Just be honest.  You don't really WANT to do it; because if you did - you would get your booty off the couch/bed/floor/ and go and do it. 

You need to be honest with yourself.  Don't make excuses to give yourself a pass on something you know you should do.  If you want to get your run on - do it.  You won't melt (Nikki and I ran 9.3 miles in the pouring rain, and hey - we are still alive.  And furthermore, you can always use this fancy thing called a dryer - amazing, right??) You won't blow away - yeah, it will suck, but it will build character.  AND Finally!! put it on your calendar, get up an hour earlier, or DVR your TV show.  It's like anything else in this life - if you really want to do it - you will find time.

Conditions aren't always going to be perfect.  Life isn't always perfect, but is it overcoming the obstacles that help us build strength and confidence.  You have to get out and get dirty and freeze your buns off to truly appreciate the "perfect" days.

AND most of off - use your doggone brain!  If you haven't ran in a week, don't lace up and run 5 miles.  Chances are you'll be so sore the next day - you will decide that you should probably rest for the next week, and the cycle of bad habits begin.  Start slow, incorporate broken runs, and seek help when you need it.

Phew.  I feel so much better now.

May your day be filled with smart decisions and no-excuses.


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