Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh the HORROR!!!!

They have indeed invaded the Farmer household.

I was watching TV, oh a week ago, and Shiloh storms in the room.  "We have a problem!" 

Uh, duh, you are standing in front of the TV, and I am totally watching something here.

Andrea, this is serious.  We have a mouse problem.  They have eaten HUNDREDS of dollars worth of my mountain food, and ALL of the weight gainer packets you brought back with you from that Boise thing.  For all I know we have 20 pound mice running around here!!!! 

I'll take care of it... now if you'll kindly leave me to my show.

Andrea!!  I am serious!!!

So. am. I.  Scoot!!!

Needless to say, when left home alone one weekend, I bought some Decon and strategically placed it in the axis of evil.  Yay.  Good job Andrea.  A couple days later, one dead mouse was found in my flower garden.  Success. 

Yesterday, as I went by the closet of shame I heard squeaking.  Hmmm that is odd.  I asked Shiloh if he set any snapping traps.  He did not.  Huh, oh well - I had to head out of town for work - soooooo, not my problem.

Shiloh called me and informed me there was a lot of drama in the Farmer House last night.  I couldn't even begin to fathom what that might entail.  Shiloh informed me he found the source of the squeaking.  Turns out a "baby" mouse had fallen ill (duh, poison) and was mourning the loss of his "brother" that was dead in the hallway.  Now, to me this sounded like - way to go Andrea, you successfully killed three of the mice that were causing a ruckus in the house.  Not so... turns out - the "baby" mouse situation cause Shiloh a lot of grief, and he asked me what I thought he should do.

My response.  Put the thing out of its misery.  Run it over with your truck, something... anything.

Shiloh's response.  Andrea, I am not bunny foo foo, and I will not be bopping this little field mouse. 

Oh for the love!!!  Just when I think I have fixed one problem...

So, I suggested that he take one of Dee's insulin needles and attempt to feed the baby mouse some left over clam chowder... or maybe he should take to WSU, and make sure to let the Dr. on call know that the mouse was poisoned.  I don't think Shiloh thought I was very funny.  I thought I was hilarious!!

May your day be filled with mission accomplished moments.


1 comment:

  1. so SO funny! For the record, I thought you were pretty hilarious. If and when (Lord, please make it never. I promise I'll do a better job of being nice to people, I swear!) I'm totally Bunny Foofooing them!

    Cheers, Teresa
