Friday, June 17, 2011

A Letter to My Lady Friends.

Dear Lady Friends (although not all of you are offenders),

We need to have a serious chat.  Now, I appreciate good underwear as much as the next lady - let's be real clear about that.  However, I do not appreciate having to view yours.  I know, I know - if I don't like, don't look.  You probably aren't doing for my benefit anyhow.

But seriously, your thong - it's above your pants, and well, that CAN'T be comfortable.  And... it's bright pink, with... well... with more bells and whistles than any pair of underwear has the right to contain.  All of which, are located on a VERY tiny piece of fabric that is (well I think) supposed to be covering your crack... am I right about this?

Oh, I am so disturbed.  I want to tap you on the shoulder and say - 'scuse me hun, can you put that thing away.  Again, not because I don't appreciate a nice pair of drawers - but for the love...  the kids man, the kids.  Not to mention you look like, well, a ho.

Am I alone here???  I am so very embarrassed for these gals.  There is a fine line between sexy and skanky (okay not so fine) but they have jumped over the damn line and are running for the hills.  I just can't imagine A. yankin' my undies up so high that they show over my pants - on purpose and B. that I would think it a fashion statement rather than an OMG where is the rock I can hide under I am so embarrassed moment.

Maybe I am a prude.  Maybe I am just getting old.  Either way... I'll keep my underthings well hid. 

May your day be filled with the art of being tasteful.


1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more! And since we're on the subject, why are there bells and feathers and beads back there anyways?? One sudden movement and you're diggin a jingle bell outta your crack! Sounds like work to me!!
