Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dress of Awesome.

Let's just get one thing straight.  I have the best book club.  Ever.

This month we are reading the book, "Beauty Queens" by Libba Bray.  It is seriously laugh out loud funny. 

To prove my point - here is an excerpt of its awesomeness:


MoMo B. ChaCha was not happy.  His favorite pajamas were not yet back from the cleaners.  When MoMo was unhappy everyone was unhappy.  With a sigh, he settled on a pair of cotton pj's.  In the morning, he would have the cleaners assassinated.

MoMo removed his custom Elvis-with-sideburns hairpiece and placed it carefully on the plaster of Paris wig form made to look just like MoMo, complete with a long, fat mustache and oversize sunglasses.  Without the wig, the dictator's head was like a smooth pond covered by thin strands of brown floss, strands that had grown thinner during the 15 years, 4 months, 3 days, and 22 hours he had been the absolute ruler of the Republic of ChaCha.  It was a small country, but rich in natural resources of the type that make other countries bend over backward to accommodate it.  For this reason only, MoMo had a seat in the UN where, on more than one occasion, he had stood on the table in his platform shoes and ermine-trimmed bell-bottoms and danced out his protest against U.S. sanctions.  He hated everything about the country of the Miss Teen Dream Pageant, except for three things: Elvis Presley, the greatest entertainer who ever lived; reality TV, especially the raucous Captains Bodacious; and Ladybird Hope.

For this reason, every night after dinner and executions, he would retire to his secret bedroom on his private yacht, which had been wallpapered ceiling to floor in photos of Ladybird Hope.  He would don his Elvis Comeback Special black jumpsuit pajamas, crawl into his heart-shaped bed, and pretend Ladybird was beside him, as if they were a couple on an American sitcom.

"Ladybird, why do we not have the sex? A little less conversation and a little more action, please."

"You are so fresh, Peacock!" MoMo answered himself in a high, Ladybird Hope voice.  "Let us to watch episodes of Captains Bodacious now, and in the morning, we kill defenseless animals with our big guns."

"As you wish, Ladybird.  Dreams come true in Blue Hawaii."

May your day be filled with glitter, sideburns, and special Elvis comeback special pjs.


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