Sunday, June 5, 2011

On the Mend.

It has been a week since we have been able to bring Ms. Dee home, and wowzers, we are learning to adjust.  She has a special diet, had antibiotics three times a day, and insulin shots twice a day.  We are all done with the antibiotics, but we will never be done with the others.  For the rest of her life she will have to get insulin twice a day.  We are just so thankful that the diagnosis was treatable, and that she is home.

We (the humans and the dog) are learning to adjust to the new schedule.  No more sleeping in, no more treats, no more "oh hey, can you drop by the house a couple times today and let the pup out."  I think she is adjusting better than we are.  She doesn't even seem to notice the shots, and she thinks that her new diet food might be the best thing ever.

Her energy is slowly coming back, along with her balance and mental awareness.  She even hopped in the car on Friday with no help - as we went back to the vet to get her glucose tested.  We still aren't ready for long walks on the beach, but with time we hope to get there.

I can't thank everyone enough for their prayers, thoughts, good karma, kind words, smiles, hugs, and willingness to help.  My heart is full.

May your cup runneth over,


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