Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Reading List.

Wowzers.  I have been a reading machine lately.  I go through these phases where reading is like breathing... it's compulsive, and well, a tad bit scary. 

However, the good news is I can provide you with a list of some pretty good reading material.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did:

1.  Beauty Queens: Libba Bray
2.  Before I Go To Sleep: S.J. Watson
3.  Amaryllis in Blueberry: Christina Meldrum
4.  A Discovery of Witches: Deborah Harkness
5.  The Wednesday Sisters: Meg Waite Clayton
6.  Good Enough to Eat: Stacey Ballis

You may notice that none of this will be up for the Pulitzer - but it's summer.  The time to indulge in junk food reading.  So, put on your pjs and bunny slippers and get to reading.

May you day be filled with good books.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, must make more time for reading. Maybe when the landscaping's done?

