Saturday, July 30, 2011

Say it ain't so.

I've been "walking around" with this information for the last day.  I don't like it one bit.  Not. One. Bit.  BUT - I understand.

I'm not running the Portland Marathon.  There I said it.  That hurt.  It isn't because I don't 100% want to - I want to.  It's because I'm not ready. Coach and I talked, and he thinks I need more time.  Could I DO the Portland Marathon?  Sure.  Would it be smart?  Probably not. 

When Coach told me this - I got very quiet.  I was thinking, "What about the registration fee I already paid??  How am I going to tell Julie??  How am I going to tell everybody else??"  Coach asked me if I was going to fire him.  I, am not.

Let's try to be logical about this.  Coach has been running longer than I have been alive.  I have been running for almost 11 months.  It would be really stupid for me not to listen.  Coach knows a thing or two about running.  He also said, and I am not joking, that if I continue on this path of hard work - I could run my 1st marathon in under four hours.  However, I will only do that by running smart, being patient, and understanding that sometimes things don't work out like we want them to.  I will not just survive my first marathon - I will be successful.

After a few more moments of silence Coach said, "You're most upset because you've already told everyone that you are running it, and now you're not - right?"  He hit the nail on the head.

So, forgive me for getting your hopes up for October.  We're going to have to wait a little bit longer.  Instead of my original plan - I will run the Spokane Half Marathon on October 9th. (thank you, thank you, thank you Julie for being so understanding and wonderful.  You have no idea how much that means to me.  I owe you super duper big time!!)  I will then run my first FULL marathon in Las Vegas on December 4th. 

My pride is a little bruised.  My ego a little tarnished.  My heart is full of acceptance.  My body and mind is ready to work their asses off.  Chin up, eyes forward, shoulders squared. On your marks. Get set. Go!

May your day be filled with mental flexibility.


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