Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Let's just get it out there - I have a sensitive tummy. 

This is problematic when I run long (since I need to eat).  I tried GU - that made me sick.  I tried Swedish Fish - jaw wasn't having it.  I tried gummy candy - eh, not too shabby.  I tried Chomps - again with the jaw.  I tried Stinger packets - not terrible, but not ideal.  And then.... MAGIC!!

I had a long run last Sunday (around 13 miles), and I grabbed my first ever packet of Hammer Gel.  I figure if I am going to try something new - it should be on a familiar route (especially one where I know exactly where all the bathrooms are located).  I was a little nervous because my tummy had been acting up all morning - at one point I considered not taking anything.

The first five miles my tummy grumbled, but I took the Hammer Gel anyway.  I had prepped myself for disaster, but the OPPOSITE happened.  It actually settled my tummy, and made me feel better.  I was astonished!!  I have never had this kind of luck with gels before.  You can bet I will never, ever, ever take anything else.

I am not sure if these results are typical, but they certainly have a new customer for life.  I will be singing the praises of Hammer Gel every chance I get!!

Here's to wonderful discoveries.

1 comment:

  1. That's what I take as well!! Love it. Great blog. :))

    karen at tradingheels.com
