Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Adults are Boring.

It's true, being an adult serves a purpose.  There are certainly times and places where adult-like behavior is appropriate, and anything less is a bad judgement call.

But, do we have to be soooooo serious all the time??  I know that I refuse to be.  Laughter keeps you young, gives you perspective, stirs the soul, awakens the spirit.  I am pretty sure it's better for you than a multi-vitamin.

If you can't get down and be ridiculous every now and then - well I feel sorry for you.  You have become a cranky old person trapped in a younger adult body (or not so younger adult).  Sometimes, you just have to let the inner child out and give them free reign of the place.  It's a way of detoxing.

Life is far to short to sit around giving stink eye (old lady face) to everyone and anyone that maaaaaaay just be having a good time.  So what if someone has the giggles in the "stomach issues" section of the pharmacy.  As a wise woman once told me, "fart jokes are funny."

So, let's take a moment.  Watch this video.  And dance like an idiot - readysetgo!!

HEEEEYYYYY, sexy lady!!!!   ...and you're welcome.

(and no, I have no idea what he is saying, but I cannot get enough)

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