Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A letter to my younger self.

Ever have those moments where you think - dammit, if ONLY I would have known this when I was 16??  I have them all the time. There is so much that I wish I knew back then that I do know today.  So many frets I wouldn't have fretted.  So much heartache that I wouldn't have to endure. So, here is a glimpse at what I would have told her:

Dear Younger Andrea,

Let's get a few things out in the open - you need to hear this.  It's for your own good.

1.  Breathe - It's okay, slow down, take it one day at a time.  You have your whole life to figure things out.  Enjoy being a kid, and yes you are still a kid.  The process is where the magic happens.

2.  It gets better.  I realize that in this moment this is all you have, all you know, all you understand.  But you will make new friends, you will find people just like you, you will fit in, you will be okay.

3.  It's perfectly fine to not be one of the *pretty* girls.  Beauty fades, but personality, that is something that you will take with you your entire life.  You can't get THAT at the drugstore.  Also, you ARE pretty - you are Andrea pretty.

4.  Listen to your grandparents.  They may seem ancient, but what they know and will share is extremely valuable.  You only get a limited time with them - pause and enjoy every second.

5.  Lighten up!  An A- in PE is not the end of the world.  Take risks, don't play it safe, don't color inside the lines, don't follow all the rules.  Dance like Hell to the beat of your own drummer.

6.  Finally, all your struggles will make you a better person.  You will come out the other side stronger, smarter, funnier, and more empathetic.  Don't forget where you came from, don't forget how it felt, don't forget that you were carried on the backs of others, and that you will be compelled to pay it forward. 

High Fives,

The Better Version.

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