Monday, June 11, 2012

Keeping an Eye on Myself.

It all started because my pants were tight.  Okay, so maybe tight isn't the right word.  They didn't fit.  Huge Problem.

I began to think, "what on earth is going on here..."  It couldn't be exercise, I run over 35 miles a week.  AH HA!!  It is my diet (and by diet I don't mean crazy food plan, I mean what I ate daily).  I have always had a problem with what I eat.  I consume sugar, carbs, and more sugar by the fistful.  I eat what your 8 year old would eat if give free reign. 

I decided that I needed to take a closer look at what I was eating, and holy moses was I shocked!!  I began using "MyFitnessPal" about 21 days ago.  Before I ate anything - I had to log it.  This program gives you base calories, and then increases them based on your exercise.  I had no idea that 7 Swedish Fish were 150 calories, or that a "mini" blizzard was almost 400.  No wonder my pants didn't fit.  I now was forced to choose 20 snow peas and salsa over a handful of ritz crackers and cheese - more bang for your buck.

It's not like I don't know better, I do - I really really do, but without someone or something to be accountable to, I tend to throw caution to the wind.

This program isn't going to work for everyone.  We each have our own goals and caloric needs, but for someone like me (who will think nothing of a piece of cake after a cheesy gordita crunch) it helped me be accountable.  I usually have one day a week where I go over.  You have to allow yourself some grace, or you'll go nuts.  That said, my pants are fitting again.  Hooray!!

PS - the app is free on your iPhone, and is also free on the web. 

Here's to keeping track.

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