Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kindly Choke on Your Sound Bite.

Nothing drives me more crazy than being in the middle of a great story, or an epic complaint, or a general this is how things are going, and somebody throws me a sound bite:

"Such is life."
"... and this too shall pass."
"Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."
"The early bird gets the worm."
"All good things must come to an end."

Here's one for you!!  "Get stuffed!"  I am not talking to you, because I want you to recite the wisdom of the ages.  I happen to enjoy your individual personality, and want you have to think for yourself.  Using these sound bites just shows me that you are being lazy, and aren't really listening to me.  Which could totally be possible, but then say that!!! 

That's not to say there isn't an appropriate situation for some of these bites, I have been known to use "do, or do not, there is no try" a time or two, but sparingly would be fantastic.

May your day be filled with an original thought or two!


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