Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Think I Can, I Think I Can....

                                          Alright Boys and Girls - here is the mid-term.

I am traveling this week for work - yay, I get to get out of the house.  However, I will also be away from my routine, my fridge, my lunch box, my security blanket.... WHAT AM I TO DO!?!?!?!

I have gotten some great tips and advice, and so I have thought ahead and prepared myself -

1.  Oatmeal measured in baggies - check
2.  Almonds measured in baggies - check
3.  Protein powder measured in baggies - check
5.  Vitamins in their day by day container - check
6.  Chicken measured in freezer for tomorrows meals - check
7.  Menu's scoped out, and decisions made for those I can predetermine - check (I'll have the baked chicken, no fancy butter, and the large serving of steamed broccoli thankyouverymuch.)
8.  Whole foods found, and worked into my schedule - check

Will power engaged and full speed ahead!!!!  Here goes nothing...

Feel free to send encouraging words my way.

May your day be filled with excellent advice and well executed plans,


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like me when I travel! I have to have an eating plan too in order to survive without getting sick!
