Friday, February 25, 2011

A Few Things I Have Learned....

We ALL have our moments, right??  We all have days where, against our better judgement, we find ourselves wrist deep in a bag of Cheetos.  Then we spend the next few days beating ourselves up about it, only to turn to our closest companion - cinnamon bears.  And so the cycle begins.

I had three great weeks under my belt.  Three weeks of "no thank yous" and "no desserts for me, thanks."  I am not too sure where I took the turn into the dark side, but wow.  It was as though gremlin Andrea took over, and the smart Andrea was cowering the corner.  However, the force is strong in this one - and I overcame my stupidity. 

I have learned a lesson through all of this - I suppose if we look hard enough we can find lessons in all of our actions.  I have learned that making the healthy food choice will never be easy for me.  It will never be something that is second nature.  I will never find myself craving baked chicken, wild rice, and broccoli.  Never.  I will have to be an active participant in making the right choice, and that is okay. 

My inner voice will always say, "choose the crab cakes, and the pasta - with extra cheese.... do it, do it, do it, do it!!!!!"  I just have to acknowledge that the inner voice is a little crazy, and we can't really listen to her.  She is also the voice that says it is totally normal to own over 200 pairs of shoes. 

I had to go grocery shopping yesterday - and what to my wondering eyes did appear???  Freaking peeps!!!  Yes, I am the gal that can sit down and polish off three boxes of peeps without batting an eye.  Easter candy is my favorite, ALL TIME FAVORITE!!  I stood in front of the candy for 15 minutes... touching, smelling, putting back, picking back up....  I think I may have frightened the other shoppers.  I eventually walked away with no candy, but I can't help but pray that the Easter Bunny knows my address.  (and if that bastard leaves me carrots I will go all ninja on his ass.)

Here's to a new day, and to new beginnings.

May your day be filled with strength and excellent choices.


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