Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Other Man.

Well that got your attention didn't it, and really it isn't what you think.

Shiloh introduced us.  It was love at first sight.  He is sleek, and slender, and easy on the eyes.  He cuddles with me at night, or on the couch - and never ever, ever complains.

Everyone, meet "Ralph"  otherwise known as "the Kindle."  I had you there didn't I???

I have to admit it - I was so anti-Kindle before Ralph and I met.  I LOVE books. The look, the smell, the feel, and I was certain that nothing would ever make me put them down.  They were my comfort, my happy place.  Even when I took Ralph out of the box - I was a skeptic.  I plugged him in to charge, and kinda stared at him.  Sized him up if you will, and then went and got one of my books off the shelf to read. 

It just so happens that the book I was reading was part of a series, and I had book 1 and 3.  I REALLY wanted to read 2 - so I pulled the trigger and bought it on Ralph.  First, I was amazed at how quick it downloaded - it was faster than downloading one song on iTunes.  Second, is that a ticker I see at the bottom of the screen that allows me to know the percentage of book I have finished?!?  Oh my tweakiness is is HEAVEN!!!!

I can't say that I am cured from my book addiction, but I can say I love Ralph. I think we will have many happy years together. 

May your day be filled with pleasant surprises.


1 comment:

  1. Is Ralph gonna pay half the bills? Cuz I don't see this working out! LOL ;)
